Dot Coms & Other Oddballs

The other night, O’Reilly interviewed former Bush Press Secretary Ari Fleischer who explained his disbelief at President Barack Obama’s choice to answer a question from the Huffington Post during his primetime news conference.

Fleischer said he used to tell Bush to stay away from “the dot coms and other oddballs.”

I only mention this because it reminded me of the question that Americablog’s Joe Sudbay was going to (but didn’t get to) ask at Obama’s first press conference:

Last week, thirty-six of the forty-one Republican Senators voted for an amendment that would strip all spending from the economic stimulus package, and instead rely only on tax cuts in their version of the stimulus. How are you going to work with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?

Apparently, Sudbay devised this fiendishly clever question in tandem with John Avarosis. I’m not sure if the irony was intended there, or whether they had perhaps simply forgotten Guckert/Gannon’s infamous question at the Bush presser from 2005…

7 Replies to “Dot Coms & Other Oddballs”

  1. whether they had perhaps simply forgotten Guckert/Gannon’s infamous question

    You’re probably right on the money with this. There’s that tendency to forget about the sort of shenanigans that went on with the previous guy, that you used to rail against, once your guy is in power.

    I think Obama made the right choice in calling on the HuffPo guy who asked a legitimate question. As Stewart noted on the Daily Show, it was the supposedly “serious” reporters who asked some of the inane questions: “What’s you reaction to A-Rod’s steroid use?”

  2. Hey, can the POTUS throw shoes AT reporters when they ask seriously dumb-ass questions like that?

    In a perfect world, yes.

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