Fox News: Where Comedy Goes to Die

Although inexplicably described by some as “humorous” (or even more puzzlingly as “satirical”), Fox News’ “edgy” late-night news chat show Red Eye suffers from a major flaw this regard — it’s painfully unfunny. For those unfamiliar with the program, essentially it consists of host Greg Gutfeld (a former editor of men’s health and fitness magazines) together with a roundtable of pop-culture savvy conservative nonentities that sit around making fun of those wussy liberals. Really… that’s usually about the full extent of this dismally mirthless enterprise.

With that in mind, here’s Gutfeld and crew attempting to be hilarious at the expense of the Canadian military effort in Afghanistan.

h/t: The Centre For Strategic Centrism

Update: Bodies of 4 killed Canadian soldiers coming home… More.

39 Replies to “Fox News: Where Comedy Goes to Die”

  1. That was pretty funny. As long as these chuckleheads all forget that lots are people are DYING!!!!

    Maybe those post-modern humorists should go over to Afghanistan and spend some time with the Afghani’s, the troops, and the aid workers.

    It might clear some of the 5th Avenue punchlines from their repartee.

  2. I didn’t find anything in the least bit funny about this exchange. Just another feckless bunch of smug, arrogant little pricks in need of a good horse-whipping.

  3. Wow – that was pathetic. Reminds me of the comedy show that never made it off the ground in which Rush and Coulter were in the pilot.

  4. So-called “conservatives” should give up trying to be funny. They’re utterly hopeless at it. By contrast, Colbert pretends to be obnoxious and ignorant… I strongly suspect that for this lot however (and others of their ilk), it’s not a put-on — or at least, that what they’re saying is merely an exaggerated version of what they actually think.

  5. Must be a hell of a lot blow in the FoxNews green rooms. Seriously, the only people I’ve ever known who were that obnoxious are coke fiends.

  6. “The dreaded The 1/2 Hour News Hour… ”

    Damn, that was aweful. Seriously there has to be funny conservatives out there somewhere. There was a documentary where it had a clip of a christian conservative “comedian” going on – in his act – about how it was because of his views that he doesn’t make much money etc. No, actually it was because he was completely not funny.

  7. Seriously there has to be funny conservatives out there somewhere.

    They’re usually only funny when they don’t mean to be.

    As for that video, I can honestly say it disgusted me.

  8. I don’t know what is worse. FoxNews making fun of Canada or the CBC not telling Canadians what going on in the Afghan war.

    The only time the CBC shows anything about the Canadian Forces is when they die.

    FoxNews has covered both wars and you get to make up your mind with the info you get.

    CBC only covers the deaths.


  9. Seriously there has to be funny conservatives out there somewhere.

    No, there isn’t. There just isn’t. What calls itself conservatism these days is really just a manifestation of inchoate rage from some seriously ignorant people. Rage and stupidity are real impediments to humour.

    That’s why my plans for the re-education camps include a very rigorous program to teach “conservatives” the fundamentals of humour, among the other basic elements in the range of human emotional experience.

  10. I don’t know what is worse. FoxNews making fun of Canada or the CBC not telling Canadians what going on in the Afghan war.

    Wingnut alert!

  11. Ti-Guy,

    Thanks for sharing your ridicule. Otherwise I would have had to make up my own mind.

    Hey, isn’t that what is normally done?

  12. The only time the CBC shows anything about the Canadian Forces is when they die.

    Do you get CBC down there in Bothell, Washington, “Steve”?

  13. KNB — The subtitle of Gutfeld’s blog could just as easily be used to describe the show: “A handkerchief of hard news soaked in a sneeze of thought snot.”

  14. Greg Gutfeld thinks Andrew Leslie is a strange name for a man.
    (Excuse me while I snigger.)

    Greg would look good in a uniform don’t you think ?!

  15. I could only make it 1:00 in this abortion. Quite the example of the arrested development crowd that represents the FoxNews viewership.

  16. Thanks alot Red Tory, for directing 4 minutes and 24 seconds of raw sewage into my face.
    I doubt any of those smarmy little assclowns would last 5 minutes in any level of tranining in the Candian military. Or even cadets for that matter.
    And the moron Gutfield can’t even pronounce Leslie’s rank properly.
    Now excuse me while i go have a nice refreshing puke.

  17. And the US wonders why it has a bad image internationally or why it can’t find more allies for its war on terrah. We’ve supported them in Afghanistan from day 1 and this is what the rightest of the right-wing media has to say about us?

    All in all, about as funny as an IED exploding in one’s face… oh wait, that’s what’s happening to our soldiers over there, while fighting the U.S.’s war…

  18. Feeling mighty appreciated by our neighbours now. Thank you for that, Fox News.

    The closest thing out there to a funny conservative is P.J. O’Rourke, but he certainly doesn’t fit the typical conservative profile. Matt Stone & Trey Parker might also count by some stretch of the imagination, even though they’re only somewhat funny and are – like O’Rourke – more libertarian than conservative.

  19. You know what’s more disgusting and frightening that the pathetic FOX News bunch – the fact that they even have and audience. They really make American conservatives look like absolute idiots.

    Those who watch and like it are just as guilty.


  20. Whoops, sorry about spelling errors.

    s/b – frightening “than” the pathetic….
    s/b – the fact that they even have “an” audience

    I just got a new keyboard and the letters are wearing off already. I never had this problem with other keyboards.

  21. Do you get CBC down there in Bothell, Washington, “Steve”?

    Yes, RT. At least at my wife’s sons house in Bothell.

  22. “Yes, RT. At least at my wife’s sons house in Bothell.”

    thank you, “steve r.”/”burpster”, for demonstrating, once again, that anything that comes out of a wingnut’s mouth always has some degree of dishonesty to it.


  23. If you don’t know WTF you’re talking about STFU…

    The show doesn’t just have conservatives on. Gut’s sidekick Bill is a liberal and he probably has liberals on every damn show, sometimes the whole panel are liberal except Gut.

  24. Not sure what you’re on about kevron? I know I’m not steve, but canadians like HNC even when they’re in the Seattle area. 🙂


  25. Well, I’ll remember this the next time the US goes looking for a “coalition of the willing,” eh?

  26. Burpster — Thanks for letting me know. Still, how likely do you think it is that “Steve” (presumably a right-winger) is a heavy-duty viewer of CBC television? To the point I mean that he would be able to make the patently false claims he did about their coverage?

  27. I hope your view is not the view of the majority of Americans. You are sad and pathetic to even think your views on us Canadians were anywhere near funny. I am hurt and appalled that you and your Fox network would let that kind of garbage on the air. Until I hear an apology from you and the Fox network, I will start to look into the company’s that Fox owns and boycott them. I refuse to support scum like that. You should be ashamed to make public comments like that and Fox Network should be ashamed to continue to support you as an employee.

  28. I presume zen g is referring to Gutfart (or whatever his name is), and not to you.

    As to the video…wow, just wow. These guys are the worst type of armchair commandos. Strap a helmet onto Gutfart and his lunatic panelists, drop them into Kandahar City, and watch the urine stain instantly spread down their pant legs. I guar-on-tee it!

  29. I was amused by the fact that the chikenhawk Bloggin’ Tories either: a) ignored this completely; or b) dismissed it as nothing but a joke. One said that they’re “just clowns — like Jon Stewart.” What a useless bunch of fucking dipsticks Taylor’s crew is.

  30. RT, Geoff Norquay, Conservative strategist, was just on CTV decrying this show, video and FOX News.

    Now that the faithful have been given clearance, watch for the disingenuous outrage to suddenly appear.

  31. Ta Da! Here we go. He even offers precisely the same advice that Norquay did.

    Of course I have no idea if heard Norquay…just sayin’.

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