15 Replies to “Fox’s Creepy “Love Doctor””

  1. For shame!

    A wikipedia entry exists, that list the three main techniques… the Silent Duck, Double Fist/Side Prayer, and the My Hand In Your Pockets.

  2. I see the “Side Prayer” is also known as “The Bellows.”

    It’s true….knowledge is power. What the hell did we do before the Internet?

  3. Well, you learn something everyday, I guess.

    I have female friends who use strap ons on their hubbies but fisting?

    Who would have known metrosexuality was such a slippery slope.

  4. Well, it brings them closer than
    dying and
    cancer and

    Do I listen to too much Tool?

  5. Just checked the entry.

    I must say I am surprised. I had no idea straight people did this sort of thing. I though it was only amongst the more “hard core” gay men.

    I guess the difference between the sexual orientations just shrunk a little.

  6. Strapons give straights the upperhand. Until the gays invent strapon vaginas, we’ve got them beat.

  7. I must say I am surprised. I had no idea straight people did this sort of thing. I though it was only amongst the more “hard core” gay men.

    There is really nothing gays do that straights don’t do as well. The right-wingers can’t believe it, but it’s true.

  8. Geez, it’s a little creepy that FOX feels they have to bring in a so-called “love doctor” to analyze a couple’s love life.

    I mean, really, a little perverted, sort of.

  9. Don’t you just love how a network like Fox, that constantly expresses moral outrage on Dems, is one of the biggest smut peddlers on cable? No wonder 9 out of 10 neoprene fetishist pastors prefer Fox News.

  10. “They do a lot of touching, kissing, even fisting with one another…”

    Someone should tell her fisting isn’t third base. 😛

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