Lowered Expectations

Fans of Mad TV will presumably get the joke. But of course it has the added bonus feature of the diminutive racist hatemonger Kathy Shaidle standing on a box (as predicted, I might note; although to be precise it was a plastic stool in this instance — which again, invites a whole other level of jokes) to deliver her rousing diatribe to an indifferent rabble of dozens.

London-SOS: Five Feet of Shit on a Stool

Anyway, BCL had more gleeful observances of the nascent teabagging movement in Canada.

Stephen Harper Gets High…

Shocking video footage of the Prime Minister playing the piano and singing to the tune of The Beatles’ “With a Little Help from My Friends” at the National Arts Centre Gala held this past weekend in support of Canada’s next generation of performing artists.

Life is indeed rich with irony at times.

Update: As referenced in the comments and provided for a bit of perspective…