Is Harper Passing the Buck?

Norman Spector poses a rather interesting question:

In either case, the question must be asked: Is the economic prognosis for Canada so bad that Mr. Harper has concluded that it’s better to be in opposition than to be in power with a minority government at this time?

That seems like a rather dubious theory, but I suppose nothing is outside the realm of possibility.

4 Replies to “Is Harper Passing the Buck?”

  1. If I were Harper (a libertarian with no conscience), that’s what I’d do. The prognosis is far direr than we’re being led to believe and depends largely on what happens in the US over the next four to eight years. I wouldn’t want to have that on my plate for the foreseeable future. I’d want to wait and see before deciding what to do next.

  2. Evidently, that’s what he’s going to do. A few minor cuts here and there and a “wait and see” approach until they roll out the 2009 budget following the lead of the U.S.

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