Faux Outrages Du Jour

alan colmes gets double-teamed by a couple of harridans, Laura Ingraham and Monica Crowley, over two completely bogus non-issues that have the Wingnutosphere fired up with outrage at the moment.

Listening to Crowley rail on insanely about Orwellian “indoctrination” and drawing comparisons between Obama and Chairman Mao (not to mention Max Headroom, weirdly), it’s almost as if all of the hosts and right-wing pundits on Fox are desperately trying to “out-crazy” one another.

3 Replies to “Faux Outrages Du Jour”

  1. A harridan sandwich. Sexxy!

    Americans, especially conservative ones (since their ideas are, a priori dumb and hateful), really need to start taking voice lessons, like they did in the past. That nasally screeching is really unpleasant.

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