Holy Kool-Aid®

Not that I subscribe to Warren Kinsella’s intellectually vacuous “two wrongs make a right” argument regarding the tasteless bit of photo-editing that appeared recently on the Liberal website, but neither do I buy Stephen “Doughy Pantload of Hypocrisy” Taylor’s pathetic dissembling about a similarly asinine stunt attacking Stéphane Dion back in 2008 — this from a man who said with a straight face on CBC’s Power & Politics the other day that “the first rule of marketing is that ad hominem attacks don’t work.” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Who says “conservatives” have absolutely no sense of humour whatsoever?

h/t: Thanks to CWTF for the visual suggestion…

64 Replies to “Holy Kool-Aid®”

  1. Warren Kinsella is an idiot and such a showoff. I do not understand Iggy letting him speak for the Party. What a weirdo.

  2. I do not understand Iggy letting him speak for the Party.

    Because the Reformatories hate him …which is a pretty good reason for keeping him around in my books.

    And to you Patrick, BigCityLib has already found the catalog and discovered the product name is Tiro al blanco …target shooting …paper bullet holes. Give it up dude, TeamHarper is not winning this one.

  3. Indeed the paper holes link provided by Patrick Ross makes it very clear –

    Keywords: Cut Or Torn Paper, Hole, Paper, Torn, Exploding, Target Shooting, Punching, Broken, Photographic Effects .

    One does not excuse the other.

    But this is a perfect example of the leadership of Stephen Harper. He leads us to this approach to politics which will define the Harper Years in the history books.

  4. @ Patrick Ross.
    You do realize that Red used the exact same “hole” that Stephan Taylor is insisting is a “paper hole”? Right?

    Now of course Taylor moderates his comments so it’s surprising that he did let a few that show that in effect the keyword is TARGET SHOOTING.

    I’m sure that the CPC is so proud that in effect they suggested that Dion be used for target practice.

    So, the with the Cons it’s okay to say the Libs did it first, but a double-standard when it’s pointed out they did it first?
    Seems that way. It’s about time the we get politicians that are not the equivalent of the socially ill adapted little schoolboys…

    As someone wrote at Taylor’s place, Connies seem to have “cognitive delusions” if the holes surrounding Dion are not bullet holes…

    Stephen “Doughy Pantload of Hypocrisy” TaylorLOL
    He sounds more like a little schoolboy that got red handed with his those are not bullet holes explanation after the keywords clearly state “target practice”…. I guess he was expecting that the name of the file was a great coup for him…

    It just goes to show that Conservatives have very little depth in any endeavour that they do, very little worry about details. They are so many more important challenges facing Canada and all the Connies want to talk about is a stupid image…

  5. Lib and Tory bloggers need to grow the @$%# up … take your crayons and go home or play nice because the issue of bullet holes is taking up way too much bandwidth. Go volunteer at a homeless shelter or take your partisan opponent out for a beer and celebrate the holidays for #$@% sake…

  6. TofKW…thats bull. The Crappers love him as they know he will come out with some idiotic remark sooner rather than later. Why do you think they have him on the Crap Network, just waiting for him to slip up like Scott Reid, surely it is not because of his expertise or the way he looks.yuk. In a past election, they used him on CP24 to run Paul Martin down.

  7. Sure was easy to distract EVERYBODY’S attention away from the Afghanisnam meetings, wasn’t it, hmmm? Does the word, “sap”, register with anybody?

  8. foottothefire, I think that it would be the opposition’s job to keep the attention on Afghanistan meetings. No?

    As for this slight diversion, I think that the Liberals have acted correctly. They offended some with the Ruby/Harper posting and offered apologies.
    The Conservatives started to beat their chest in indignation. It was pointed out that they have been doing this short of shit for years…
    Now they have gone into spin mode with the nature of bullet holes offering the most implausible of explanations….

    Yesterday, Colvin made a great rebuttal to the Conservative and retired generals statements.

    It’s time for the Liberals/NDP and BQ to show that they have to balls to stand up to the bullying by the Connies.

  9. Note to wingnuts: Other people have the ability to pay attention to more than one issue at a time. Don’t worry, Conservatives can be douchebags and anti-Canadian goons at the same time.

  10. The national media went into conniptions during the 2008 campaign when the Conservative websit had a animated puffin drop a turd on Dion’s shoulder. What was the media reaction:

    “The Hill Times called it “a major gaffe.” The Toronto Star claimed it was “a self-inflicted wound” to the Conservative election campaign. It was “infamous,” according to CTV’s Craig Oliver. The CBC called it a “low blow.””

    A Liberal Party picture of Prime Minister Harper being assassinated. Crickets chirping. What a double standard our media have. It’s quite sad really. This in a week when the Italian Prime Minister was assaulted by a wing-nut. That’s the problem with the Liberal “joke” – it’s playing with fire. But’s it’s Stephen Harper, a conservative, we hate him anyways so who cares, right folks.

  11. “TofKW…thats bull. The Crappers love him as they know he will come out with some idiotic remark sooner rather than later.

    If I’m wrong, then they have a funny way of showing their love for Mr. Kinsella. Continually calling for his resignation (how exactly does one fire an unpaid volunteer?) from the most moronic posters in the comments sections of the various media websites, all the way up to Con MP’s in members statements on ‘the Hill’. Yup, you can just feel the love. 😉

  12. The national media went into conniptions during the 2008 campaign when the Conservative websit (sic) had a animated puffin drop a turd on Dion’s shoulder. … A Liberal Party picture of Prime Minister Harper being assassinated. Crickets chirping. What a double standard our media have. It’s quite sad really.

    The Lib’s picture was from a juvenile contest open to anyone in the public, asking for photos of places where Harper would rather be other than Copenhagen. It was hardly official. The Grit’s only mistake was the moderating on the website, or rather the lack thereof.

    Now the Con’s have at least two VERY official website photos where Dion was pictured as a shooting target. The first was one with Dion shrugging behind a chalkboard, with a chalk drawing of Iggy in the bottom right corner holding a gun. The other is the one with Dion surrounded by, ehem, Paper Holes, which is still on their party website.

    You are correct, it’s very sad. But what is sad is the Reformatories have no clue what the word HYPOCRISY means. And the media are giving the story the attention it deserves …almost none.

  13. The fact that the Liberals have Warren Kinsella on the payroll and running their election warroom only gives cover to the Conservatives to fire away and say that they’ve learned their craft from reading Kinsella’s book.

    Kinsella is past his best before date anyways. He’s got some good political skills but doesn’t have the mojo anymore. Just go to his website and look around. It’s pretty lame-o stuff he has on offer.

  14. TofKW you are correct.

    Drake, WK has been spanked here many times. He was a reason for the cheapening of politics in Canada with the Barney moment.
    BUT, given that the Cons seem to take their cues from the worst of Right-Wingers it would only have been a matter of time.

    In fact, I think that the Connies have exceeded anything that WK would have done.
    Parlement ressembles more a bunch like a bunch of school children (the Conservatives) staring down at a bunch of college frat boys (the Liberal and NDP), while the BQ looks on in disgust…

  15. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought Kinsella left his official role with the federal libs a couple months ago. Not that Drake is making any sense either way.

  16. “Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought Kinsella left his official role with the federal libs a couple months ago.”

    When Donolo came in, it was decided by the Liberal braintrust, (Iggy I suspect, does what he’s told for the most part) that this election brinksmanship schtick had to stop because the Libs always ended up with the short end of the stick. A salutary move for the Liberals I think. So they put the election readiness crew, including Kinsella, on ice. But he’s still their election warroom guy, as far as I know.

  17. Parlement ressembles more a bunch like a bunch of school children (the Conservatives) staring down at a bunch of college frat boys (the Liberal and NDP), while the BQ looks on in disgust…

    Wow, that has to be one of the best and most succinct descriptions of the post-2006 House of Commons I’ve ever read. Well done CWTF, I may have to plagiarize that in the future. I have to agree that the separatists, of all people, are the only grown ups we have left on the Hill. Très triste. 😦

    Also, please someone correct me. I thought WK was working for Iggy as a volunteer (unpaid), or at least so he claimed once. Can anyone shed some light here?

  18. The last time I looked, bullets fired at targets tear the paper out the BACK. If the Tory attack was meant to suggest bullets fired at Dion, it was making the point that he (Dion) was being shot in the back – which as it turns out – was more or less true, wasn’t it.

    Red, same thing applies to your handiwork. Mr. Harper (according to your rendition) has been shot in the back of the head. Half his forehead should be missing – or mushed. Back of the head – isn’t that Beria-style?

    Of course, as always, I stand corrected Mr. Ti_Guy.


  19. “The national media went into conniptions during the 2008 campaign when the Conservative websit had a animated puffin drop a turd on Dion’s shoulder. What was the media reaction:

    “The Hill Times called it “a major gaffe.” The Toronto Star claimed it was “a self-inflicted wound” to the Conservative election campaign. It was “infamous,” according to CTV’s Craig Oliver. The CBC called it a “low blow.””

    A Liberal Party picture of Prime Minister Harper being assassinated. Crickets chirping. What a double standard our media have. It’s quite sad really. “

    I really don’t get why you folks completely make stuff up like that. Obviously, you don’t read any newspapers or watch any news or read any news online to make such a grossly uninformed comment like that.

  20. Anyone who has ever shot at a paper target can tell you that that is a bullet hole! Its the hole a bullet from a hand gun makes in a paper bulls eye target.
    I know because I got all excited when I actually hit the damn thing and I kept the paper as proof.
    ..doughy pantload of hypocrisy… now that’s funny.
    Why is it I get the impression that with no formal political or advertising experience that I could do a better job of running either party’s war rooms?

  21. In a few short comments, we have every example of time-wasting vacuousness known to man.

    It’s a funny, poignant post, losers. Shut up, get off the computer and go do something useful.

  22. Don’t get me wrong Wilson, I tend to agree with you on this. However I remember a post Kinsella made during the time when Kramp, Del Mastro, Paradis, etc. were reading members statements in the HOC demanding WK be fired for denouncing Kathy “5 feet of raging racist fury” Shaidle’s appearance on TVO’s ‘The Agenda’ …basically saying he’s a volunteer and can’t be fired. Now that wouldn’t be the first half-truth coming from Kinsella, so I wouldn’t mind a definitive answer, if that is even possible.

    Now I’d like to say, and I’ve wrote this on other blogs including once here to (somewhat) defend him against one of RT’s posts, that I personally don’t like Kinsella’s style very much and think it exemplifies everything that is wrong with modern day political campaigns. However, when you have a war-room full of CPC Kinsellas against you, then WK needs to be kept on the Grit’s offensive line. Pretty much for the same reason every NHL team keeps a goon or two on the bench. No matter if you have a team of Gretskys, Lemieuxs, Howes, Orrs, etc, you’re not going to beat a team like the ’76 Flyers without some bruisers. Gawd I’m starting to sound like Don Cherry. :O

  23. Don’t get me wrong Wilson, I tend to agree with you on this….

    *bzzzt* Unacceptable! Not allowed! Wilson has trolled Liberal blogs for years (previously under the pseudonym Wilson61) and spreads vicious gossip and lies about Liberals everywhere else.

    She does not any deserve consideration by principled people.

  24. Ti-Guy, in grade school were you the little kid who’d go squealing to the teacher complaining “Mrs. McGillicuddy, Mrs. McGillicuddy, Jamie threw a booger at me” or “Mrs. McGillicuddy, Mrs. McGillicuddy, Gordon stuck out his tongue at you behind your back.”

    We don’t need your advice on who we should or shouldn’t engage on this blog. It’s not your blog for starters, and we’re all out of grade school here.

    So, grow up already.

  25. Hey Ti, I’m well aware of wilson’s trolling and mindless spewing of CPC talking points. However you know the old saying about a broken clock being correct twice a day. 😉

  26. So, grow up already.

    I have. I’m the adult who’s attempting to bring order to a discussion that is being co-opted by disruptive, unread, snot-nosed little urchins who are not contributing constructively.

    If you don’t like that, you are free to go elsewhere.

  27. Hey Ti, I’m well aware of wilson’s trolling and mindless spewing of CPC talking points. However you know the old saying about a broken clock being correct twice a day.

    Her partisan drive-by’s and distractions are most unwelcome on blogs like this, which aren’t echo-chambers, like the right wing ones she haunts and from which the rest of us are barred through Conservative fascist commenting policy. She abuses generous liberal blog commenting policies to derail discussion and then runs back to her little hidey-holes where she spreads vicious rumours and lies.

    She is beneath contempt. And a hypocritical bitch as well. She lambastes me for using gendered insults (like ‘bitch’) but when one of her co-partisans does, it doesn’t even register with her.

    Anyway (and on-topic): I don’t think anything the Liberal Party can come up can even begin to compare to the multi-year hate propaganda campaign the Conservatives have engaged in (quite often at public expense). I say more of this kind of stuff and faster please. And when something strays a little over the line, apologise quickly and then…do the same thing the next week…or the next day even.

  28. You do realize that Red used the exact same ‘hole’ that Stephan Taylor is insisting is a ‘paper hole’? Right?

    That image was a stock image purchased from the site I linked to.

    Go there. Look at the images. Read the description.

    Then come back here, look at the image here, and marvel at how much that hole doesn’t look anything like a bullet hole.

    Your “target shooting” argument would be credible, if the holes actually used looked anything like the holes produced by target shooting.

    Unfortuantely for you, they don’t.

    As a matter of fact, the only bullet hole images I can find that look anything like the images actually used are bullet holes shot into glass. The similarity ends with the fact that such holes produce (naturally), a fractal shattering pattern, as opposed to a tearing pattern.

    It’s time for you to give it up. Your arguments have no basis in reality, and any individual possessing a rational mind can see that.

  29. You mean in the sense that I fully expect you and your cohorts to lie about this, just as you lied about that, then I would fully agree.

    But the evidence at hand speaks for itself. To refuse to acknowledge that evidence simply because it doesn’t support your argument is intellectual dishonesty of the lowest order — exact kind that you and your cohorts are so well known for.

  30. But the evidence at hand speaks for itself

    You are correct. The evidence is the CPC is attempting to deflect attention from the Afghan inquiry and worldwide condemnation of Canadian environmental policy with, wait for it, something the Grits failed to moderate on a dumb photoshop contest, regardless of the Cons doing even worse on a very OFFICIAL level. And unlike the Cons, the Libs caught it early and publicly admitted they were wrong, and were very sorry for the incident.

    However you want to spin the evidence, the Reformatories don’t look good any way you slice it.

    Serious Harpernauts, just admit you’re wrong, say you’re sorry, and take down the Dion shooting ad off your fucking website already.

    By the way I notice nothing about this in the media today, and for the reason that you’ve probably failed to grasp anything of what I’ve just posted.

  31. Yep. That’s the Ti-Guy we all know and despise…

    I’m relieved. I’d be insulted if you liked me. I’d feel soiled and, worst of all, ineffectual.

  32. You are correct. The evidence is the CPC is attempting to deflect attention from the Afghan inquiry and worldwide condemnation of Canadian environmental policy with, wait for it, something the Grits failed to moderate on a dumb photoshop contest, regardless of the Cons doing even worse on a very OFFICIAL level. And unlike the Cons, the Libs caught it early and publicly admitted they were wrong, and were very sorry for the incident.

    However you want to spin the evidence, the Reformatories don’t look good any way you slice it.

    Serious Harpernauts, just admit you’re wrong, say you’re sorry, and take down the Dion shooting ad off your fucking website already.

    By the way I notice nothing about this in the media today, and for the reason that you’ve probably failed to grasp anything of what I’ve just posted.


    That’s the one thing that’s amused me about individuals like yourself.

    Somehow, you have to be right even when you’re wrong.

    If you don’t like people being distracted from your non-story, then you shouldn’t do these things to yourself.

    “Hey Huey, I don’t like losing.”

    “Then stop beating yourself.”

  33. Speaking of psychos, you have to listen to Steve Janke have a full, psychotic meltdown here, on the public airwaves.

    It’s astonishing. I think ol’ Wanke needs to be institutionalised.

  34. Serious Harpernauts, just admit you’re wrong, say you’re sorry, and take down the Dion shooting ad off your fucking website already.
    Why would they do the sensible thing?

    Just look at the reaction from PR…

    Look Rosshole, I’ve read the description and only a fucking moron would argue that Dion is not surrounded by bullet holes – than may explain why you continue to pollute this blog…

  35. Alright already. It’s just an artist’s rendition of the hole in Harper’s head where God gets in and tells him what to do and who to do it to.

    Happy now?

  36. Look Rosshole, I’ve read the description and only a fucking moron would argue that Dion is not surrounded by bullet holes – than may explain why you continue to pollute this blog…

    Well, Cherni, I’d agree that only a fucking moron could argue something that’s been argued here — but it would be your argument that the holes in question in no way resemble actual bullet holes shouldn’t stand in the way of arguing that they are bullet holes.

    I mean, your fallback argument seemed to be “target shooting”, and we all saw how well that worked out for you.

    Don’t worry, Cherni, I’ve been doing some cooking, and believe me, I gots somethin’ for you.

  37. Good grief, even your videos are boring and tedious.

    Also, I suspect you’re in violation of copyright with regards to the annoying heavy metal soundtrack…

    And furthermore, you might have noted that in my little graphic, I clearly stated “this is not a bullet hole” (a la Rene Magritte) — so what’s your point? I left it up to the viewer to decide whether it was or not… Too subtle for you, was it?

  38. I understand that fully, actually. The reason why that image was included in the video was to provide context to Cherni’s insipid contents.

    As for “boring and tedious”, well, I’m sorry if following an idea or argument in full is too intellectually taxing for you. I hardly see how that’s my fault.

  39. I think you mean a sleep deficit. 😉

    Anyway, glad you got the point, but I don’t much appreciate the suggestion of being one of the “various douchebags” or “fucking morons” as you so delightfully put it who disagree with your contention.

    You and Stephen Taylor can quibble all you want, but not being experts in ballistics, it’s reasonable to say than average lay person wouldn’t be a “fucking moron” to think that those holes in the attack ad against Dion gave the impression of being made by bullets.

  40. I love it how conservatives are just sooooo offended by this kid’s photoshopped pic… that they have to republish it and republish it and republish it and republish it.

  41. They need to keep the distraction and faux-outrage going, never mind their own past abuses outweigh anything the grits have done.

  42. I understand that you’d object to being alluded to as a douchebag.

    But, I’ll be honest with you: the one photoshop image you generated that is fairly objectionable was a bit of a douchebag act, and let’s face it: you haven’t exactly been repentant about that.

    You and Stephen Taylor can quibble all you want, but not being experts in ballistics, it’s reasonable to say than average lay person wouldn’t be a ‘fucking moron’ to think that those holes in the attack ad against Dion gave the impression of being made by bullets.

    It would take a fucking moron to stand by Cherni’s “the target shooting label means that these are bullet holes” argument even after seeing that the holes made by target shooting look waaaaaay different.

    In other words, it would take Cherni to make that argument… or maybe Ti-Guy.

  43. Good grief, even your videos are boring and tedious.

    Not to mention plagiarised from original “research” conduced by other people over the net.

    It’s probably how he got through undergrad.

  44. Just in the interest of being candid, maybe I’ll speak to the “annoying heavy metal soundtrack” as well.

    AC/DC is more of a hard rock/blues band than a metal band (their first release was a fairly faithful version of “Baby Please Don’t Go” — a prototypical blues song).

    And as for annoying, I know not everyone shares my taste in music. But another song I thought about using was this. So: small favours, right? 😉

  45. Not to mention plagiarised from original ‘research’ conduced by other people over the net.

    It’s probably how he got through undergrad.

    That’s a fairly serious accusation. I fully invite you to direct that accusation to the University of Alberta.

    But do us both a favour, and make sure you conjure enough courage to register that accusation under your real name. I’ll look forward to the opportunity to settle that in court.

  46. That’s a fairly serious accusation. I fully invite you to direct that accusation to the University of Alberta.

    I fully invite you to lick out my arse.

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