Ron Bless America

The other day, I expressed admiration for the aggressive new F-150ish “Big Dogs” ad from the Ron Paul campaign, but Conan O’Brian’s parody of it is even more brilliant.

“You want cuts? You got ‘em! He’ll cut $1 skrillion of government spending in week one! That’s skrillion… with a skrill!” Priceless.

Funnily enough, this parody will do absolutely nothing to dissuade rabid Ron Paul revolutionaries, many of which seem to positively yearn for the loopy idea of a chaotic libertarian apocalypse, even if it involves fending off an army of starving marauders with a rusty pipe.

15 Replies to “Ron Bless America”

  1. Hilarious but I got to point out – would a Ron Paul America actually just GIVE citizens a rusty pipe to fend off starving marauders? Seems more likely we’d be forced to find our own! No government handouts!

  2. Yeah they would be lucky to get anything from a Paul administration, everybody for themselves.

  3. It don’t matter Martin.

    When the neo-Con and Democrat Marxists cause the next revolution, Paul will win by default. Ron Paul is not a GLOBALIST. Every other GOP loon is.

    Another revolution is around the corner. America is not Marxist, and will never be.

    The next revolution will see all the politically correct Marxists either destroyed or sent to Canada.

    Canadians might be content with a dictator style system, but Americans are already 236 years behind that.

    Being politically correct means you hate freedom.

    Bring it on.

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

    THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to W.S. Smith, Nov. 13, 1787

  4. Yuu binning my posts Martin?

    You scared?

    You’re a Marxist. You should be. Freedom will triumph every single time, you communist.

  5. No kidding. I’d like TJ to show me ONE example of me being a “Marxist”… This fatuous little dipshit that cravenly hides behind multiple IP #s doesn’t have the slightest clue what he’s talking about.

  6. “I’d like TJ to show me ONE example of me being a “Marxist””

    You love the welfare state Martin. You love gun control and you also love free “heath care”.

    If you’re not a Marxist, then what are you?

    And BTW, you keep saying I use different I.P’s. You have been doing this for years now. Why you say that?

    You’re trying to make me look like a troll. I’m far from it bud.

    “What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms”.


  7. TJ: You love the welfare state Martin.

    In fact, I don’t “love” the welfare state at all. If however, you mean that I think it’s beneficial to the well-being our society that, like most advanced western countries, we have a social safety net that provides a system of unemployment insurance, social security programs for the elderly and a non-profit single-payer arrangement that delivers essential healthcare services on a universal basis at 10% of GDP, then yes, that would be an accurate description of my stance. In this regard, I believe I’m pretty much in the vast mainstream of public opinion. (Which, btw, isn’t “Marxist”.)

    You love gun control…

    I’ll admit that I’m not a big fan of guns and have never owned one. At least not one that didn’t fire caps – you know, when I was like 8 years old! And while I don’t have any problem with gun control, I’d hardly say that I “love” it. I realize that it can be problematic, but think some sensible degree of regulation in the sale and distribution of firearms by the authorities is probably a good thing. One certainly doesn’t want deranged lunatics or sociopaths freely running around with guns and ammo any more than we do criminals having possession of them.

    …and you also love free “heath care”

    Well, this is another completely fabricated assumption on your part. First of all, our “health care” isn’t “free” – it’s paid for by our taxes (and in some provinces by monthly premiums) and that’s a consensus agreement we’ve democratically made as a society over the years. Do I “love” the current system? No, not really, but I believe it’s better than the alternative where healthcare decisions are made by private insurance companies looking to maximize their profits by screwing over patients whenever possible.

    If you’re not a Marxist, then what are you?

    Exactly what my handle says: a “Red Tory” (or “conservative Liberal” if you prefer). Or to put it in other terms, fiscally conservative and socially liberal… generally speaking.

    And BTW, you keep saying I use different I.P’s. You have been doing this for years now. Why you say that?

    Sorry, but that’s a blatant LIE. I do not use different IP #s. Same one – day in, day out. You on the other hand seem to change yours more often than your underwear.

    You’re trying to make me look like a troll. I’m far from it bud.

    I don’t need to do that, “bud”. You do that all on your own.

  8. “fiscally conservative and socially liberal”

    Sorry Martin, but those two are exact opposites of each other.

    How is paying people not to work (E.I) fiscally conservative?
    How is paying people 600 a month(welfare) fiscally conservative?

    “And BTW, you keep saying I use different I.P’s. You have been doing this for years now. Why you say that?”

    Re-read the above and you will see I’m referring to you saying I use multiple I.P’s. I have no idea what your I.P is.

    Red Toryism is all about the “collective”, not individual liberty. I cannot understand how anyone can have faith that a “central planning” ideology can ever succeed as history proves it never has.

    Anyways, have a good day.

  9. “and that’s a consensus agreement we’ve democratically made as a society over the years.”

    Please provide the link where it shows how Canadians voted to have government run health care. I’m not sure Tommy Douglas had a vote.

    “but I believe it’s better than the alternative where healthcare decisions are made by private insurance companies looking to maximize their profits by screwing over patients whenever possible.”

    I’ll change a few words and see if the result is any better.

    “but I believe it’s better when healthcare decisions are made by government looking to minimize their budget by screwing over patients whenever possible.”

    In Ontario 71 patients died in 1999 while waiting for coronary surgery, and another 121 had gotten too sick for surgery while waiting and had to be sent home .There were twelve obese patients in Canada who died in 2007 due to withheld surgery – another instance of death-by-rationing. What about all the people that get sent to the USA because Ontario doesn’t want to fund certain procedures?

    Does that sound better? Is it better when government rations services?

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