Parliamentary Fight Club

Irrespective of the supposedly worthy fundraising cause involved, what an utterly bizarre and unseemly event this past weekend’s charity boxing match was. Hard to believe that we’ve actually sunk lower by a quantum measure of absurdity in comparison to our American friends – can you imagine two members of Congress showing off their “tats” and battling it out in the ring?

Poor Ezra Levant; it must really chapped the insufferable little toad’s backside that not only didn’t the Liberals’ pretentious “shiny pony” get flattened in the first round, but actually managed to withstand Senator Brazeau’s initial hammering and eventually best the odds-on favourite Conservative with a TKO in the third round.

As much as I’m completely appalled by the event, I have to admit to whimsically considering that more such brawls might perhaps be a worthwhile replacement for the shrill and mostly pointless haranguing of Question Period. Hmmm… I wonder if Pierre Polievre has tats?

8 Replies to “Parliamentary Fight Club”

  1. “we’ve actually sunk lower by a quantum measure of absurdity in comparison to our American friends”

    nah. we let tanya harding beat up on paula jones, so….


  2. If you watched the video, clearly not the case. After Brazeau’s initial bluster failed to connect, Trudeau was more consistently the aggressor. Too bad the Liberals didn’t employ the same tactical acumen in the political ring… like 6 years ago!

  3. The spectacle continued today in the House of Parliament – photos of Trudeau cutting Brazeau’s hair and Brazeau has to wear a shirt all week with Trudueau’s name on it!!!
    We’ve degraded to running this country on high school testosterone challenges sourced from bible stories ~

  4. Why am I torn between being appalled at the implied disrespect for our democratic institutions and dreaming of a mixed martial arts bout between Baird and Mulcair?

  5. “…can you imagine two members of Congress showing off their “tats” and battling it out in the ring?”

    Well, one can imagine a conservative slaver brutally beating up Charles Sumner in the halls of the Senate, because it happened!

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