Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Bill Maher compares the failure of jurors to convict Casey Anthony in the killing of her child with the failure of Republican voters to connect the dots between the U.S. budgetary deficit and the fact that the wealthiest people in America now pay the lowest amount of taxes in the country’s history.

Update: Replaced previous video link because the dicks at HBO took it down. This one has 43,000+ views so may be more enduring.

14 Replies to “Beyond Reasonable Doubt”

  1. Seems to me the same voters fail to connect the dots between the humungous military presence all over the world and the debt….. Why are they arguing about what social programs to cut, when cutting down on imperialism might save a few greenbacks – in fact, might save the greenback’s life!

  2. Penny, the US could cut it’s annual military spending (US$687 billion in 2010 alone) by half …and they would still be spending over double what China and Russia are, combined (China US$114 billion / Russia US$52 billion – both totals for 2010).

    Seems to me it’s a no-brainer where the cutbacks should be coming from.

  3. Penny, the US could cut it’s annual military budget by half (US$687 billion – 2010) and they still would still be spending more than double that of China and Russia, combined. (US$114 billion – China,2010 / US$52 billion – Russia 2010).

    Seems to me it’s a no-brainer where those budget cutbacks should start.

  4. The US Military-Industrial Complex is the biggest welfare system and welfare recipient, in the world. The US expenditure on Military Hardware and Materiel, makes their claims to a private “market-economy” ludicrous.

  5. But, at the end, they are all rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.. spending in the U.S. is out of control, and the answer to tax the wealthy (which was tried, actually, in the 90’s) cannot possibly increase employment which is the real problem.

    The U.S. is showing net losses in capital investment (more money being invested by American’s outside of the country than being invested by foreigners inside the country)

    So – yes, money is being wasted on helping people fight their battles abroad, but so too is money being wasted on a bizarre “national healthcare” program that REQUIRES people, under threat of legal action, to buy insurance from private businesses.

    The U.S. is a massive disaster waiting to happen – and there are so many vested interest groups with massive lobbies that they can’t get anything done constructively.

  6. Rob H. is so cute… How can someone be so wrong so many times?

    I would venture it’s the haperconway….

  7. Oh goodie… the loons have arrived and are using the Media Research Center again to defend their wingnuttery. Why don’t we just ask Libyan State TV about how great and misunderstood Gadhafi is too? Same propaganda.

  8. “so too is money being wasted on a bizarre ‘national healthcare’ program”

    i’m not a fan of the proposed healthcare plan (single payer is best solution), but would you care to eleaborate on how it’s a waste on par with the other expenditures mentioned?


  9. Too bad the dicks at HBO killed the link. And to compound matters, WordPress won’t seem to let me update the post to change it. Grrrr.

  10. Increasing tax rates on the richest segment of society is just one aspect of the problem with America’s balance sheet these days. It just happens to be the most glaring example of the grotesque inequality of wealth distribution and egregiously venal corruption of the political system.

    Out of control military expenditures and limitless wars, erosion of the middle-class, the offshoring of jobs to more “business friendly” environments (e.g., Communist China, ironically enough), collapse of the artificially inflated housing market bubble, a predatory and cruelly rapacious financial sector, the inexorable demographic expansion of so-called “entitlement programs” (social security and medicare for aging baby boomers), etc. are all significant contributors to America’s woeful economic situation.

    What’s needed to set matters on a more sustainable and fiscally responsible course of action and tackle these problems root and branch, are several hundred knowledgeable, serious-minded politicians uncorrupted by financial influence from special interests and the unavoidable need to shamelessly pander every few years to the most wildly ignorant and fanatically crazed segments of society; in other words, a group of sober people that are willing to methodically and objectively tackle all of these various problems with a view to the greater good and “big picture” rather than stroking their own narrowly circumscribed, often hare-brained ideological beliefs or the desperate need to further their own greasy ambitions and self-serving objectives.

    Needless to say, I’m not holding my breath that will ever happen…

  11. But, at the end, they are all rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.. spending in the U.S. is out of control, and the answer to tax the wealthy (which was tried, actually, in the 90′s) cannot possibly increase employment which is the real problem.

    Good God Rob if you haven’t a clue about the history of the American economy, their current economic problems, or the most basic of economic and fiscal thought then why feel the need to post? Horrible to think that people who “think” like you currently hold the balance of power in the US House of Representatives.

    Welcome back Red! The blogosphere has been awwwwwful quiet lately.

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